Friday, March 8, 2019

March 11 - 15

Mid semester - 9th week of 2nd semester

  1. pretest (55% or 60% of grade depending on if EOC course(20% of grade) 
  2. lessons(completing lessons if assigned..should also be apart of taking notes - (NOTEBOOK 20% of grade)
  3. quizzes (quiz info may also be included in notes- 20%)
  4. post test(retake if pretest is below 80- 55% or 60% of grade depending on EOC course or not)
  5. Review Test half way thru and/or at the end of module like a FINAL EXAM(5% of grade if EOC course OR 20% if NOT EOC course)
  6. Zeros for all course work NOT completed at the end of semester AND not CURRENTLY on pace with..You should be approaching AT LEAST halfway mark through ALL modules! Please see me for a pacing guide if needed...

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