Monday, January 27, 2014

Week of January 27

Videotaping of class presentations this week by AudioVisual/videoBroadcasting students

1st period- Business Communication & Presentation

Mon 1/27-
  1.  KWL blog post entry (#2)-what you know, want to know , and what you learned about your company
  2. Company poster display and presentation

Tues 1/28 -
  1. KWL blog comment entry (#2)-what you know, want to know , and what you learned about at least 2 classmates' company
  2. Company poster display and presentation
Wed 1/29 -  Presentation Strategies & Tactics activities

Thurs 1/30- Gaming Emotions (see 10 positive gaming emotions please see listed under pages)
  1. respond to assigned gaming positive emotion w/picture of a game making you feel or react that way along with response to  that emotion (blog entry #3)
  2. create 3 page game website using Publisher,, or any other you are familiar with (one for entertainment and one used for tutorials, training, , etc. ). please provide the following details on each game:

Fri 1/31- continue creating game website


Juniors and Seniors(open to Mrs. Conley's freshman & sophomores)
Are you applying to jobs, schools, or summer programs? Well a resume’ is one of the easiest ways to market yourself to employers. Please join Ms. Chandler and Ms. Chinn for their Resume’ Workshop on Thurs. Jan. 30thfrom 3:40pm-5:00pm.
 Sign up in the Counseling & Career Center today!

3rd period- Computer Applications II

Mon 1/27- continue college & career poster display and presentation

Tues 1/28 -display college & career poster and present presentation

Wed 1/29- display college & career poster and present presentation

Thur 1/30 -
  1. research place of employment hiring in your chosen career field
  2. create cover letter to that company 
Fri 1/31-
  1. create cover letter to employer ( see sample templates)
  2. create account at to build a resume to go with cover letter
  3. Go back to the Career Planning icon/link – Click on Resume Builder and begin building your resume (under quick links)

4th period- Intro Business Technology 

Mon 1/27- continue college & career poster display and presentation

Tues 1/28 -display college & career poster and present presentation

Wed 1/29- display college & career poster and present presentation

Thur 1/30 -
  1. research place of employment hiring in your chosen career field
  2. create cover letter to that company 
Fri 1/31-
  1.  Download Communications
  2. communication graphic organizer...CHOOSE ONE
  • informal vs formal
  • memo vs business letter

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Week of January 20

Course syllabi due by the end of the week!

Open House Thursday, January 23, 2014!
Business Communication & Presentation

Mon 1/20 - MLK Holiday/ No school

Tues 1/21--

continue researching that topic on particular product, company, business, and create an informative poster collage  for that topic, company, etc AND visual  presentation on topic, product, etc. using a combination of  technology AND  applications such as but not limited to the following:       

poster collage ideas
  • timeline of background and/or history(Timeliner on online timeline from storytools)
  • brochure(of products)
  • pictures, logo, slogan/motto
  • financial information (on company)
presentation tools(10 slide minimum)
animated video presentation (5 min limit) -
comic strip, story book-
voice characters-

Wed 1/22 -
  1. continue poster collage AND visual presentation
  2. KWL blog entry on your and 2 other classmates' blog
  • what you know about collage and presentation topic
  • what you want to still know about collage and presentation topic
  • what you learned about collage and presentation topic

Thurs 1/23 - collage display and presentation

Fri- 1/24- collage display and presentation

Computer Applications II

Mon 1/20 - MLK Holiday/ No school

Tues- 1/121-  continue college and career planning poster display

Download Copy of CA2_5.3_College Enrollment
Download CA2_2 College Recruiter Project
Download CA2_2 Career Newsletter Project (1)

Wed 1/22- continue college and career planning poster display

Download Copy of CA2_5.3_College Enrollment
Download CA2_2 College Recruiter Project
Download CA2_2 Career Newsletter Project (1)

Thurs 1/23-
  • put college & career information in presentation

Download Collegecareerpresentation

presentation tools
animated video presentation (5 min limit) -
comic strip, story book-
voice characters-

Fri 1/24-last day to work on presentation to prepare to present w/poster display next week

Intro Business & Technology

Mon 1/20 - MLK Holiday/ No school

Tues- 1/121-  continue college and career planning poster display

Download CA2_2 Career Information form
Download CA2_2 College Information Sheet

Wed 1/22- continue college and career planning poster display
Download CA2_2 Career Information form
Download CA2_2 College Information Sheet

Thurs 1/23- create collage of pictures and on information from colleges and businesses/companies that hire in your career interest AND a presentation

presentation tools
animated video presentation (5 min limit) -
comic strip, story book-
voice characters-

Fri 1/24- last day to work on presentation to prepare to present w/poster display next week
All classes will focus on communications & technology NEXT week:

10 Positive Emotions of Gaming

  1. Creativity (originality of thought)
  2. Contentment (satisfaction and ease of mind)
  3. Awe & Wonder (grand, powerful, admiration)
  4. Excitement (stimulation or thrill)
  5. Curiosity (desire to learn or know about something)
  6. Pride (state of being proud)
  7. Surprise (to elicit or bring out suddenly)
  8. Love (a feeling of warm personal attachment)
  9. Relief (alleviation or ease of pain, stress, or anxiety)
  10. Joy (emotion of great delight or happiness)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Week of January 13

Business Communication & Presentation

Mon 1/13
  1. continue presenting mindmap
  2. create survey for feedback (5 question minimum)
     3. create blog for feedback from at least 2 classmates  
         or create your own blog using google account (gmail) from Mrs. Conley's blog
  • post survey 
  • post mindmap
  • give teacher URL website for blog
  • post comments to least 2 classmates based on survey questions 

Tues 1/14

Blog entries

  1. continue creating your own blog account (give URL link/website to Mrs. Conley)
  2. post your survey and mindmap to your blog
  3. comment on two other classmates' blog addressing their questions from survey
  4. pick a topic(s) to focus on from your words you mapped out in your mindmap
research that topic on particular product, company, business, and create an informative poster collage  for that topic, company, etc AND visual  presentation on topic, product, etc. using a combination of  technology AND  applications such as but not limited to the following:       

poster collage ideas
  • timeline of background and/or history(Timeliner on online timeline from storytools)
  • brochure(of products)
  • pictures, logo, slogan/motto
  • financial information (on company)
presentation tools
animated video presentation (5 min limit) -
comic strip, story book-
voice characters-
Wed 1/15 - continue poster collage AND visual presentation

Thurs 1/16 - continue poster collage AND visual presentation

Fri- 1/17-

  1. review syllabus
  2. take pre-common assessment

Computer Applications II

Mon 1/13- continue presenting mindmaps

Tues- 1/14- college and career planning
Download CA2_2 Career Information form
Download CA2_2 College Information Sheet
Wed 1/15- college and career planning
Download CA2_2 Career Information form
Download CA2_2 College Information Sheet
Thurs 1/16-
  1. create collage on all information obtained about your career and any of the colleges that offer it
  • collage and presentation must include college career activities (listed below) on it
College & Career Readiness Unit

Download Copy of CA2_5.3_College Enrollment
Download CA2_2 College Recruiter Project
Download CA2_2 Career Newsletter Project (1)

Download Collegecareerpresentation

presentation tools
animated video presentation (5 min limit) -
comic strip, story book-
voice characters-

Fri 1/17-

  1. review syllabus
  2. take pre-common assessment
Intro Business & Technology

Mon 1/13- present mindmaps

Tues- 1/14- college and career planning
Download CA2_2 Career Information form
Download CA2_2 College Information Sheet
Wed 1/15- college and career planning
Download CA2_2 Career Information form
Download CA2_2 College Information Sheet
Thurs 1/16- create collage of pictures and on information from colleges and businesses/companies that hire in your career interest AND a presentation

presentation tools
animated video presentation (5 min limit) -
comic strip, story book-
voice characters-

Fri 1/17-

  1. review syllabus
  2. take pre-common assessment

All classes will focus on communications & technology NEXT week:

10 Positive Emotions of Gaming

  1. Creativity
  2. Contentment
  3. Awe & Wonder
  4. Excitement
  5. Curiosity
  6. Pride
  7. Surprise
  8. Love
  9. Relief
  10. Joy

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Week of January 8

 Welcome to Mrs. Conley's classes for Spring 2014 semester!

1st period- Business Communication & Presentation

3rd period- Computer Applications II

4th period- Intro Business Technology

Wed 1/8- 

  1. brief overview of class
  2. schedule review

Thurs 1/9-
  1.  Each class will tag words from course name or similar terms using to map out what they think course is about.
  2. Create mind map of at least ten main words tagged and break those words down further mapping out an explanation, description, purpose, picture, example etc. of each term...DO NOT GIVE ALL pictures, mix up mind map with text explanations, descriptions, purpose, examples, etc.
  3. You may create your mind map one of three ways:
  • using shapes in WORD, PAINT, or POWERPOINT
  • using mind mapping software - INSPIRATION
  • using online mind mapping such as  

Fri 1/10-

Each class will present their mindmap to the entire class...PLEASE SAVE TO YOUR ID or remember your username/password if created online so that you may pull your work up to present