Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Week of March 9

What is going on this week?


  • Grades have been updated in Synergy with recent test grades and notebook check #2
  • Module pacing...everyone should be working towards having at least half of their ENTIRE  modules completed for the upcoming 9 week period for this 18 week semester  (1/2 of 18 weeks = 9)
    • Take notes when assigned to lesson modules (if you are not successful in passing the pretest). Working on lessons and taking notes at home are HIGHLY encouraged to save LOTS of time during class. Please see me (if I do not seek you first) for help for taking notes AND using them while taking taking your tests. Remember...Notes may be used to test AGAIN for  post-tests until reaching mastery (80%)

What to look forward to....

9 week pacing progress reports being sent home NEXT WEEK

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