Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Week of September 1


Welcome to our second week of NovaNET. Recap of our first week last week...

  1. Everyone should have been registered into NovaNET courseware program and enrolled in courses that were provided to me by your counselors.
  2. Everyone should have taken a pretest for their first module (if nothing else) and started taking notes for practice lessons to take post-test if prompted by program (not passing all practice skills AND receving an 80%.).
  3. If prompted to have post test reviewed by me if not passed 2nd time...a review of content/material in notebook and test material should have taken place one-on-one with me.
Moving on to this week....

Mon 9/1- Holiday/No school

Tues 9/2- Module Tracker sheets (individual goals for each person's course modules)

Wed 9/3- introduction to e-textbook links...find your subject/content area


  1. course module pre-test
  2. note-taking on practice skills lessons
  3. course module post-test
Thurs 9/4- 

  1. course module pre-test
  2. note-taking on practice skills lessons
  3. course module post-test

Fri 9/5- get physical textooks frommedia center for ech assigned course

A look ahead...
progress reports , course sysllabus/contract review, and notebook check NEXT WEEK!

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