Monday, August 27, 2018

Week of August 27

Notebook check this help you remember make sure you sign up for my 

if I did not already sign you up due to contract/syllabus not being turned in yet with contact info...PLEASE STILL GET CONTRACTS IN!!

Monday, August 20, 2018

Week of August 20

All students should be enrolled in at least one of their GradPoint courses per class period. Students should continue working on their unit modules in the order below...

  1. pretest
  2. lessons(taking notes)NOTEBOOK CHECK NEXT WEEK...I will send reminder in REMIND so please sign up AND continue turning in last page of contracts! See under pages for contract/syllabus AND remind info also listed below...
  3. quizzes (quiz info may also be included in notes)
  4. post test

Monday, August 6, 2018

Week of August 6

Welcome to the first full week of class for GradPoint!

Students that have been referred to me via a schedule and/or their counselors' permission in writing should now be enrolled in their specific GradPoint course(s) if they have physically shown up to class. Contracts/Syllabi (link under pages) are currently being distributed as well. The last page should be returned with parent/student info for my reminders coming out soon!