- Computer Applications II- Integration of Office 2010 Applications (w/Employability Skills)
College & Career Readiness Unit
Download CA2_2 Career Information form
Download CA2_2 College Information Sheet
Download Copy of CA2_5.3_College Enrollment
Download CA2_2 College Recruiter Project
Download CA2_2 Career Newsletter Project (1)
Download Collegecareerpresentation
Choose one method to present your college & career presentation to class:
- Windows Movie Maker
- PhotoStory
- Powerpoint
- Web storytools (choose one from link below)
Tuesday 8/27
finish up project...prepare to present presentation and display college box
Wednesday 8/28
college & career presentations/ display college box
Thursday 8/29
college & career presentations/ display college box
Friday 8/30
college & career presentations/ display college box
a look at next week...
trivia, game, puzzle-- create your own about anything related to your college or career
or play existing classroom career board games
- trivia game links will be sent to Mrs. Conley for your specific class period blog
- specific feedback will also be sent to an open forum for each class period
- a look at a real depiction of a company career-oriented movie and/or college life movie
- Intro Business & Technology- Integration of Communication Skills w/Employability)
Monday 8/26 - continue working on glittering generality advertisement AND commercial
Tuesday 8/27 -
Download Cev70533
2. continue working on advertisement AND commercial...be prepared to present on Wednesday
- view slideshow presentation below to answer questions on communication
Download Cev70533
2. continue working on advertisement AND commercial...be prepared to present on Wednesday
Wednesday 8/28 - be prepared to present advertisement and commercial
"Glittering Generalities" ...who? what? when?
where? why? (see communications styles packet)
commercial...not just a video (audiovisual presentation) - PowerPoint, MovieMaker, or Photostory
advertisement (hard copy document)- Publisher OR WORD
Thursday 8/29 - design a logo for your product at http://www.tagxedo.com/app.html
Friday 8/30 - fun fact data
Friday 8/30 - fun fact data
- create info-graph using one of the links below (w. graph, data, or chart info representing numerical data)with data on a product/brand or your own existing brand
- continue with advertisement and commercial presentation
- provide 5 question survey for feedback on product different forms of responses
create your own business letter/cover letter to company or post-secondary institution of choice
Business Letter graphic organizer AND Memo writing
create and decorate WEDDING CAKE graphic organizer for six parts of a business letter
- http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_six_parts_of_a_business_letter
communication graphic organizer...CHOOSE ONE
informal vs formal
- memo vs business letter